Your source for a relaxing mobile massage in Chicago, IL

Chicago Mobile Massage Service Please call us day or night at
(312) 312-7722 

Licensed & Insured 

Relaxing Swedish Massage in Chicago, IL

Say goodbye to nagging muscle stiffness and feel rejuvenated from head to toe with our Swedish massage. Chicago, IL, clients choose this type of therapeutic bodywork because it helps them relax while relieving muscle tension. This massage is perfect for alleviating tension headaches, stress, and insomnia. Our licensed massage therapists use long, flowing strokes to ease the sore muscles and connective tissues of your body.

Schedule a Massage at Your Convenience

As a 24/7 mobile massage service, we can provide a reenergizing massage anywhere in Chicago anytime you want. Whether you schedule your appointment in the early morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening, we have you covered.

Health Benefits of a Swedish Massage

The most significant advantage of getting a Swedish massage is precisely executed pain relief. Our therapists use different techniques to loosen tight muscles and improve blood flow. In addition, this relaxing massage modality releases tension, reduces muscle soreness, and enhances flexibility. It also helps boost the immune system while improving overall health and wellness.

Swedish Massage Techniques:

·        Effleurage

·        Petrissage

·        Tapotement

·        Friction

·        Vibration


A Swedish massage starts and ends with the effleurage technique, characterized by gliding strokes over the skin that increase circulation by warming the muscles. This technique is divided into three types—feather stroking, superficial, and deep—each applied depending on your unique needs.


The licensed therapists of our professional massage service use the petrissage technique to treat tight or sore muscles resulting from physical activity, anxiety, or stress. Muscles are kneaded, pressed, and squeezed to release knots and tension while promoting blood circulation.


We use the tapotement movement to promote lymphatic drainage and increase blood circulation. This massage technique involves tapping, slapping, and pounding muscles to produce relaxing endorphins.


A Swedish massage uses friction and heat to stimulate the muscles and relieve tension. This technique is ideal for reducing muscle spasms and improving joint flexibility.


Vibration involves applying rhythmic movement throughout the body to relieve tension, stimulate blood circulation, and loosen and relax aching muscles. This massage technique soothes nerves in areas with knots and scars.

Get in Touch

Schedule an appointment with one of our licensed massage therapists today. You can also contact us to learn about our deep tissue massage services.